.Uber Rat.
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.Basic Rat Info.


.Basic Rat Care.
 .Getting your rat.
    To put it simply make sure your new rat is healthy. Pick whichever rat you seem to like the color and temperment of. Getting your new rat from a breeder is best, but from a petstore int't that bad sometimes they're cheaper or more convenient. Basically whatever suits you best.
    I prefer putting my rats in a cage with a plastic bottom. Cages are easier to clean, allow for better ventilation, and the rats like to get treats through the bars. If possible buy a cage with more than one level, if that's not possible make sure the cage is big enough for the rat to roam and play. Also, make sure there are places for the rats to sleep and hide, I use plastic igloos and cardboard tunnels. Make sure to use safe bedding for your rat's new home. I like to use Carefresh  bedding because it's soft and safe. If possible try not to use wood shavings, they can cause respiratory problems.
    Rats can eat either lab blocks, or they can eat the rat mix food which has a variety or seeds, nuts, grains, and dried fruits in it as well as lab block peices. I've found that while the lab blocks are cheaper, the mix food lasts longer. Rats enjoy a variety of treats, I prefer to go out and buy the rodent treats from the pet store rather than feed them people food. I treat mine with yogurt drops and carrot slims. They also will appreciate bread, fruits, pasta, veggies, and any other healthy snack you can find in your kitchen.
    Rats need to be held every day. Even if you can only hold them for 5 minutes a day every minute is appreciated. Always make sure to supervise them as they can get into trouble easily. Female rats will want to run around and explore more than male rats, male rats are usually happy to just sit on your lap and be pet. When you first get your rat if you get them from a pet store chances are they'll be a little skiddish and nervous acting. Don't worry, rats very very rarely bit unlike hamsters. Just hold your new rat often and be very calm and gentle with them, get them to trust you and they'll be your new best friend in no time.
.Rats need rats.
    I believe that all rats should have at least one companion. Rats are social animals and need eachother. No human can hold their rat 24 hours a day, this is why they need another rat. Even if it was possible to be around your rat continuously you still cannot provide the same companionship as another rat. Don't worry about your rats becoming attached to eachother and not you, your rat will love you just as much if not more if he has a companion. I believe it is cruel for a rat to live in solitude, so please when you purchase your new rat, purchase a pair. Of coarse, make sure your new pair is either all male or all female.